Introducing Author Rhachelle Nicol’ of Sunday Mourning
Describe yourself for our visitors.
I am a mother, author, writer and creative.
I think my writing has been the tool navigating me along this journey we
call life.
It has become an outlet to
reflect, refocus, find clarity and plan.
How do you find time to connect with God?
Writing is one way in which I connect with God.
I spend a lot of time just being still and
quiet and it is usually in those moments that I am inspired to write.
I also love gospel music and prayer is a
Who are your favorite authors? Favorite books?
One of my favorite authors is Iyanla
One of her books that have
stayed with me down through the years is “Yesterday I Cried”.
I read that book over 12 years ago and it
also inspired me writing “Sunday Mourning”.
Nowadays I spend a lot of time
reading non-fiction business type books so I can’t say who my favorite
author is in that arena. lol
Tell us about your journey to publication.
I had completed “Sunday Mourning” almost a year or so prior to
I had done enough research
and made the decision to self-publish but I was reluctant to move forward.
I had printed off my manuscript and my sister
ended up getting a hold of it without me knowing.
To make a long story short, she stayed up all
night reading it and her first words to me when she spoke to me were, “when are
you writing the next one”.
I think that
was motivation enough for move to push through the fear of it and just do it.
Tell us about your current book?
“Sunday Mourning” takes you on a journey of my life.
It starts off with me going through the most
unimaginable event in my life.
I then
begin to reflect over my life to make sense on how I had arrived there.
From the outside looking in, I came from the
perfect family but there were skeletons that had kept not only myself but also
my mother from healing.
So the hurt was
being passed on from generation to generation.
“Sunday Mourning” truly woke me up to discovering a brand new life full
of purpose, peace and joy.
What valuable lessons do you want readers to learn from your book?
I want readers to understand the importance of forgiveness.
We live, we learn, we grow and forgiveness it
what allows us to do just that, otherwise we become bitter and stagnant.
What’s next for you?
Well I am currently writing for a newspaper and I am working on developing
my own platform for Christian authors, musicians, artist, etc.
So I will be transitioning more into PR,
Branding and Marketing.
I may also
squeeze in another book and more RN Brand tees are definitely coming.
Where can visitors find you online?
I blog:
I tweet: @rhachellenicol
And I update my status on Facebook:
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